
For Part 2 of the exam students will be provided with formula sheets.  Click the links on the navigation bar to see the formula sheets for Mechanics, E&M, and Quantum Mechanics.  Additional formulas may be added to the test by the committee.  A list of needed fundamental constants and conversion factors will also be provided.

Students will be provided with mathematical tables by the physics department.  Please inform the exam coordinator which table you are familiar with and would like to be provided.

Physical Constants that will be provided:

Planck constant:  h = 6.62606896 * 10-34 Js,  ħ = 1.054571628 * 10-34 Js
Boltzmann constant:  kB = 1.3806504 * 10-23 J/K
Elementary charge:  e = 1.602176487 * 10-19 C
Avogadro number:  NA = 6.02214179 * 1023  particles/mol
Speed of light:  c = 2.99792458 * 108  m/s
Electron rest mass:  me = 9.10938215 * 10-31 kg
Proton rest mass:  mp = 1.672621637 * 10-27 kg
Neutron rest mass:  mn = 1.674927211 * 10-27 kg
Bohr radius:  a0 = 5.2917720859 * 10-11 m
Compton wavelength of the electron:  λc = h/(me c) = 2.42631 * 10-12 m
Permeability of free space:  μ0 = 4π * 10-7 N/A2
Permittivity of free space:  ε0 = 1/(μ0c2)
Gravitational constant: G = 6.67428 * 10-11 m3/(kg s2)
Stefan-Boltzmann constant:  σ =   5.670 400 * 10-8 W m-2 K-4
Wien displacement law constant:  σw = 2.897 7685 * 10-3 m K